Club Rides

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Club Rides

Sunday Rides – meet 8:30am at Shire Oak Pub Car Park

We have three groups on a Sunday. One group goes at a steady 11-14mph or the pace of the slowest rider, and cover 20 – 30 Miles this is known as “Tranquilo”.

Tranquilo at the cafe, and relax.

The other groups are Veloce and Groupetto. Both Groupetto and Veloce go to the same cafe stop, with the Veloce group acheiving 17 – 19mph and the Groupetto achieving 14 – 17mph over 45 – 60 Miles.

cosford flyers.

We never leave anyone behind and have no ego’s in the group. Everyone encourages each other to push boundaries, but not in a negative way. All rides have a cafe stop at half distance, we make sure all rides are back by 2pm at the latest, though Tranquilo is much earlier and the other two rarely go past 1.30pm.

Tuesday Midweek Rides – meet 6:45pm at Shire Oak Pub Car Park

During the darker Autumn & Winter months we try to esnure the whole midweek route is on lit roads. All riders need to ensure they have suitable lights. As a guide the average speed is normally around 16 – 17mph however no one will get dropped.

Any one riders looking for an easier ride at a slower pace, please take a look at our popular tranquillo ride on Sunday mornings.


Ride lists.

Summer routes.

50 mile ride to Uttoxeter Bear Coffee. Strava map for route. Difficulty 5/10.

54 mile ride to National forest centre Willesley near Measham. Strava map for route. Difficulty 6/10.